Last night we elected to have the peregrino menu offered in our hostel. We invited a fellow pilgrim, Grace from Duluth, to join us. Spanish people traditionally eat after 8:00 pm so we are always the first to arrive and are constantly looking for an earlier venue! We certainly had the place to ourselves at 7:00 last night.
We had a later start this morning and after consulting the various markers and maps we stopped for our second breakfast under a palm tree.
I made grid 2 to further convince readers of the beauty of the meseta. For several kilometres this morning our walking path was cushioned with yellow or mauve flower petals. It seems a real mix of what we would see in the summer and fall. Certainly most of the grain crops are ready to harvest but gardens seem more in line with Quebec or Ontario early summer vegetation. Flowering bushes lined most of the way and if you look closely you will see the top of Jim's head in the wheat. The flowers still draw my attention and I find myself dropping behind to capture just one more.
Tonight we are staying in a Refugio de Peregrino Benedictinas that is attached to the church in the photo. It is committed to raising money to support orphans in Peru. We hope to attend the nightly Peregrino mass and communal dinner this evening.